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  Ray Blanco's Biotech Report: The 48-Hour Alzheimer's Cure  
  Ray Blanco on 2018-01-19 19:24:20.0

This post Ray Blanco's Biotech Report: The 48-Hour Alzheimer's Cure appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

Today, more than 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and millions more will be diagnosed in the years to come.

But those days could soon be over.

I've discovered companies working on a new treatment that has the potential to do much more than just mask Alzheimer symptoms.

If this new treatment lives up to its promise, it could deliver incredible profits in short order.

Here's what you need to know.

Cash In On an Alzheimer's Breakthrough

Big pharma has believed for years that Alzheimer's is caused by Amyloid Plaque forming in the brain.

A prevailing theory for decades? However, of the 244 drugs brought to trial to treat Alzheimer's in the last ten years 243 of them have failed.

Thankfully, we're onto to a groundbreaking new breakthrough. One with the potential to be one of the best-selling treatments in biotech's history.

To understand how this new treatment works, you first need to know a bit about Alzheimer's.

According to the most accepted theory, it all comes down to proteins.

Proteins are intricate molecules made up of sequences of smaller molecules. There are billions of possible ways to arrange these sequences.

However, a protein's properties aren't only determined by its molecular sequence. Proteins must also fold into a specific shapes to carry out their specific functions.

If a protein gets folded into the wrong shape it may become toxic.

Researchers believe that is what's happening in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Their brains are filled with a misshaped protein known as beta amyloid.

Over time, the accumulation of these toxic proteins starts killing brain cells.

Now that researchers know exactly what to target, the next step was finding a way to remove these toxic proteins from the body.

The process is difficult. Proteins misfold in many different variants. Each has to be identified and studied to find out what it does and why.

It's a major contributing factor to why progress to finding a cure has been so slow.

But that's on the verge of changing, thanks to new research from a handful of companies.

Maybe Not First? But Possibly the Best

Back in 2007, the biotech company Biogen bought an early-stage Alzheimer's drug from a small Swiss company. It paid $380 million for it, and has been developing the drug ever since.

The treatment is now in Phase 3 testing, the last stage of trials before the company can ask for permission to sell the drug.

The drug works by attaching antibodies to the beta-amyloid proteins. This then signals the immune system to attack them.

Early data from the drug has been promising, but researchers have also uncovered an dangerous side effect.

In addition to clearing out the toxic beta amyloids, the drug also clears out the harmless plaque around them. This leaves gaps in the brain that fill with fluid, leading to a dangerous condition known as edema.

As a result, Biogen's drug dosage must be strictly monitored.

But despite this serious drawback, Biogen's progress towards a cure has been great for its stock price. It's market value has grown by $40 billion within just a few months.

More importantly, Biogen's research has helped bolster other theories about Alzheimer's disease.

Now companies are using those findings to create treatments that specifically target the true ?bad actor? in Alzheimer's disease, without attacking the ?good? proteins.

If this newer version of the treatment is successful, it won't matter if Biogen ends up with a first-in-class drug to treat Alzheimer's disease.

As it turns out, I've recently discovered one tiny biotech that's leading the way in bringing a best-in-class version of this new Alzheimer's treatment to market.

The tiny biotech company behind it all is on the verge of changing the world of medicine.

No one will see it coming, except you.

But only if you click here now to get ahead of the ?herd?.

For Tomorrow's Trends Today,

Ray Blanco

The post Ray Blanco's Biotech Report: The 48-Hour Alzheimer's Cure appeared first on Daily Reckoning.

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